Comments on The Thomas Sowell Reader, Picture Of The “Trust Fund”, pages 78-79.
As I start working for a salary, it will be expected of me
to pay part of my earnings into the government’s allusion of a Trust Fund. A Trust Fund that has been collecting
taxes for over thirty years, yet it no longer exists. There may be a system, a safe, and records of taxes as a
reporter from the Kiplinger’s magazine proved, but over the years the system has been
The first Trust fund in 1980[1] took taxed
money and kept it safe in the form of security bonds until pensions were
due. Then they sold some of those
bonds to pay for the government retirement benefits.
The present system still buys security bonds in the Treasury
Department, but there are certain advantages that the government has allowed
in. Advantages like allowing the
securities held by the Social Security system not to be counted as part of the
national debt, because it is one government agency owing money to another. This means the government can take money
out of the Trust Fund to cover costs other than retirement benefits and
give back an I.O.U. An I.O.U. that
they never intend on paying because it does not count as debt. This is not a once in a lifetime or
even a rare occurrence. The
government has traded so many security bonds that they are having to use new
tax funds before they are turned into bonds to cover the costs of retirees.
What is left in the trust fund for the future retirees and
the upcoming baby boomers, whose pensions are scheduled to cost trillions? A mire promise. The treasury securities are nothing
more than claims against future revenues of taxes. Therefore there is no Trust Fund. The days of buying bonds are past and the goal of saving taxed
money from ones youth until old age is no longer a priority. There will be no government funds to
trust in the future.
[1] "Presidential Statements Jimmy
Carter". Retrieved 2011-09-28.