Thursday, 18 April 2013

TTSR “Friends” Of Blacks

Just as welfare was started by those with good intentions, so have many ‘friends’ of blacks done things that disastrously mistreated the black people they attempted to help, as is the case in Universities that allow people to graduate with less than satisfactory grades because they are black, which in some way is supposed to mean something and mean nothing at the same time.
Dr Patrick Chavis is the perfect example of black centered good-intention-fails as he experienced when he was passed through medical school because of minority preferences, returned to the ghettos to practice, held in honor for his success, and two weeks later had his license suspended after a patient died under questionable circumstances.
Chavis’s license was later revoked for his lack of ability to execute some of the simplest medical procedures, as he might have been able to do if the system had not granted him a masters without mastery because he was black, but the tragic part is a person had to die before this matter was brought to light and even then, Affirmative Action* waved it off as a freak incident; this is not helping blacks in any way shape or form unless unaccountability and false accreditation is desirable.

* Affirmative Action: an action or policy favoring those who tend to suffer from discrimination, esp. in relation to employment or education; positive discrimination.

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