Monday, 1 April 2013

TTSR Medical Lawsuits

Two of the ‘greatest’ carriers are medicine and law, usually because they are high paying jobs that have an equally high demand for good practitioners, but they also are extremely intertwined by the continual lawsuits between patient and doctor, so much so that doctors have lost trust in clients for fear of being forced ‘legally’ to paying hefty sums for compensation.

No doctor is perfect and perfection should not be expected for a doctor’s job is to help heal to the best of his ability, at least, that was before health care became a right or doctors were afraid to practice useful measures that came with a risk, which is an immense part of medicine.

Now that everyone ‘deserves’ healthcare, the doctor patient relationship is distrustful based on clients feeling entitled to all doctors have to offer and the constant threat of a lawsuit looming if a client is poorly treated by fact or simply by opinion.

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