Monday, 15 April 2013

TTSR “Minorities”

There is so much hype in politics and the media about racial equality that it would lead us to believe that what the government is doing is not biased towards any ethnic groups but when they put in Minority laws that ‘help’ certain groups get jobs where their employers don’t have to worry about paying their salary because the government will or students that can get into institutes for higher learning without having high test scores, I think there is some bias.

The interesting thing is, actual minority groups such as Jews are not counted as a minority because they have too many achievements, thus, the minority laws are not meant to support actual minorities but those we should feel sorry for.

At Harvard, the test scores of Asian Americans and whites were virtually the same but only the higher scoring Asian Americans were accepted while the average scoring whites were accepted, which leads me to believe that the minority laws are just a cover up for those who wish to boost the ethnic groups they like or are a part of.

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