Abortion is nothing new these days since the masses have
accepted that it happens and although many do not agree with it, they are
powerless to fight against it because, thanks to regulations and the media,
nothing is taught about the termination of infants even though sex is freely
taught, images included.
The sad truth is we have been taught so little that many
people, abortion doctors included, do not even know what a baby looks like
before it is born, much less the morbid methods of performing a “late-term
abortion”, one of which includes pulling the child out feet first, decapitating
it before the head comes out, inserting a vacuumed into the mother and sucking
the brains from the severed head to collapse it[1].
Now that the above sentence has ‘moved’ you, you can see how
we have been mislead into believing there was only flesh in the womb or that
abortion methods are 'safe'.
May the Lord give us insight to successfully engage in this battle for innocent lives...