Monday, 18 March 2013

TTSR Penny-Wise On Crime

It never ceases to amaze me how the political left can rant and rave to ‘Cut’ spending that will help people in the process while they do the exact opposite behind their curtain of lies as they have been doing for over 200 years for criminals, trying to get them light sentences if any.

They claim a 5-year imprisonment costs more than $50,000 when five years of “Intensive probation” would cost less than $9,000 but what they intentionally leave out is the cost of criminals let loose upon society which is an estimated $10,000 a year less than the costs inflicted on society such as theft, rape, murder, and the fearful mental threats they represents to the innocent productive people.

Convicts are human leeches; liability incurring leeches that suck up tax payers money, the time of courts, lawyers, and officers, the purity of the young, and the blood of the innocent; all these things the Left would overlook to put their agendas through to look like money saving societal heroes in the eyes of the naive.

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