Tuesday, 7 May 2013

TTSR Higher Education and Low Comedy

 It is a wonder we do not hear more about teachers and professors committing offences against their students such as verbal abuse, ignorance, and sexual harassment, but then again, it happens so much that it is no longer news to viewers that have gotten use hearing about such occurrences.

Some of the keys to bringing out issues is number 1, someone has to stand up against the crime, which not many do, and number 2, if it is something the government supports such as propaganda or the teachings of the infamous left, you are on your own.

There was a case where a professor at the University of Alabama taught his personal religious beliefs during a physics exercise, was warned to stop, he sued the University and lost all while profs in more ‘esteemed’ classes such as economics, social, history, and English could preach all they wanted about the religion of government without so much as a peep from the board as long as it portrayed the government ‘properly’.

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